My only addition would be to wear a mask around them. The last thing they need is another infection that could lower their baseline.

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Thank you Krista, masking is an important point, especially as many with Long Covid deteriorate after reinfection. There is a mention of it at the end of the article as an extra.

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Yes, absolutely. In fact, I would list this one first and foremost, not as an afterthought. I would also explain that 80% of LC patients report a worsening of chronic symptoms with each re-infection, and that COVID is often spread asymptotically. Wearing a well-fitting N-95 or better mask is important too.

None of the other steps are possible without this. You cannot show you care, be validating or help someone with LC without protecting their personal safety by masking.

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Exactly, masking (with an N95 respirator) should be #1 in long covid advocacy. How can you show that you care without taking the most basic safety precaution. About half of Covid infections spread asymptomatically, and catching it would be devastating for someone suffering from long covid. This should be true for the other points as well—making sure HCP’s are also masked (preferably with a fit-tested N95) when interacting with the LC patient.

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Excellent, thank you! I will be sharing this widely.

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Love this!! Thank you

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Great resource

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