I applaud your patience and commitment to detail so many of the fatal flaws in this review. But we shouldn’t have to attack it because frankly it should never have been published in the first place. But here we are - absolute crap gets published even in the most prestigious journals.

These specific types of papers arise out of a strong belief that patients are either/or lazy/cowardly and that really they just need to get off the couch and stop whining. All the convoluted posturing and cherry picking is just a cover for deep prejudice against and disrespectful for patients, along with ignorance of actual medical conditions. It is worse than sick. It is evil.

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Blimey, just when you thought it was safe to get back in the pool, this hulking great turd of a paper winks its poopy eye at you.

Thanks for the very detailed analysis. I might run it through ChatGPT and see if it thinks it was generated by an under fed model.

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These papers have real world impact. Just last month I had to explain to my prescribing psychiatrist that CBT and GET were not suitable treatments for Long Covid. My only back up as a patient were the NICE guidelines.

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It was good to see you include the problem with vague criteria. I think the use of vague criteria in Myalgic Encephalomyelitis research has been a root problem.

As you mentioned, the 1994 CFS-Fukuda affected the quality of research. It buried ME in a sea of people who didn't have ME and then based research on people who could be cherry picked to participate in behavior modification/ exercise studies.

In 2011 experts created the International Consensus Criteria (ICC) which selects a much more homogeneous group of patients.

It is frustrating this ICC was quickly overshadowed by another vague criteria which is the "ME/CFS" now being used by US & UK governments.

Watching this pattern of vague criteria repeat in Long Covid is very disheartening. I think it is imperative that the LC community creates a more homogenous criteria that captures the most ill who do not improve from CBT & GET as soon as possible.

This paper is a forewarning of what is to come if things stay as they are. We have seen what this playbook looks like and the harm it causes.

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